Welcome to Hollow-World-Creek!!

Hi! for a brief introduction:
you can call me: glitch/chaos/japser!
my pronouns are: it/its, he/him, they/them

I am fluent in English and French, tho my French is a bit rusty...

look, this is a test again. I don't know if it will let me save my work. It probably won't. I know better than to hope that it will, yet i cannot shake that feeling that lives in my core. the reactor keeping me up almost groans from the task. I should be getting an upgrade soon, to make my software a little lighter. i still prefer my second system. it was quick to run and i could customize it quite a bit.

Internet Blink Exchange
Member of the Internet Blink Exchange

Internet Manifesto Thing?

Hi! This is my little corner of the internet! I started making this website a little while ago, because I was bored and because the whole idea of having such a customisable home online was very enticing. All the cool websites I have found really help too, because you get too see everybody's individuality seep through, from the colours to the stamps and blinkies, to the topics and art! Being quite unsure of who I am, it can be quite hard to decide what to do with this site, but I'm learning to let go, to let the code tell me what it wants, just like I have done with my writing.. Working on this site, to me, is like a reflection of parts of myself I don't often get to see.

I had tried coding before, mostly in Python and a tiny bit of Javascript, thanks to having access to a Rasberry Pi and Khan Academy, but I could never really get it to stick. After finding HTML and CSS, it was like a whole world of posibility opened up. I was really motivated to learn more about the languages, and that drive was really nice. It was something fun to focus on, somthing where I could leave after a few too many hours, my eyes burning from the screen, yet still feeling like I had made something. It was really rewarding, and I keep coming back hopefull, leaving happy.

If you want to take back the internet from the big corporations, if you want to have an online world designed by you for you, if you're just a little bit interested, I totaly recomend giving it a shot!

I have yet to make a "library" of resources (links to helpfull sites and so on), but someday I will get around to it :3

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