made an attabook account, linked my guestbook on my homepage
Added a Blog page and an entry
thinking about the transfomers page still.
thinking of adding a page for my OC/Self-Insert..
joined another webring
Added a Poems page (mostly french ones so far, tho I intend to add English ones too)
Transformers page is coming along. Still unsure of what to put on it, but I'm thinking maybe stuff I make? I would need to actually start DOING the fanart/fanfiction part, as opposed to simply daydreaming it.
mucked around a tinsy bit
joined a webring!!
wondering if i should make a page to put my art on...
i dont draw all that much but maybe it would help me be motivated?
started to seriously work on the TF page. added header + navbar
will keep on working on it today
alr im back. probably not for long tho..
started to work on a transformers page... its not really anything much so far..
updated my home tho.. its got some stamps on it now ^-^. it makes it a lot nicer :)
Wowza!! Its been a while!
recently got really interested in transformers, so thats my most recent franchise investment thing!
i really want to redesign my site, so thats what i might do today. I downloaded the old site to my computer so i still have an archive of it, and I've gone ahead and deleted some pages. I think I'm just not that happy with what I had anymore.
phew!! i finally fucking found out how to make the text pop up when you hover over an image!! you use title="" in the ^img src="" alt=""^ thing!! like so: ^img="url#" alt="description so if the img isnt there the page can still display smth" title="gay nerds being idiots"^
i feel so smart >:)
It has been too long.
nothing new to add to the website. killing the DBH page lmao.
really i ought to work on the ninjago page. could make a page for hetalia too.
yes i like hetalia. tbh i dont remember if i stuck anything related to it on this website but too bad.
whoa ok. so it did take me a while but now ive updated the pages... added the dvd.gif file (which i've decided to use as a home button on some pages, tho it only serves that purpose on the tests page so far. a page that i have not worked on at all yet...
i ought to get to work on it soon. as well as figure out what i want to do with the DBH page lol.
because im not sure yet if i want to put it up here? like, i dont know what its purpose is. so it seems pointless putting it up.
i've also started to wonder if i should link my tumblr? i dont really MAKE anything and put it up there tho. i mostly reblog things.. not sure how interesting it is.
boy its been a while since ive updated this site ´∩`... i have been working a bit on it on the files on my computer so ill add the updates from there
started work on DBH page.
NOTE (aug. 1) there is no link, i havent put up the page yet.
alright fuck this shit.. screw javascript. maybe someday i will learn it and make a site with it. im sticking with html and css for now.
im having a really hard time with this. mostly because of me. i really want to do some fun stuff with my website, like make tab things on the page, like seen on this page. but the thing is, it needs Javascript. and for some reason i hate javascript. not even a good one. just "tradition" or some bullshit of the sort. its kinda making me angry. but you know, i think that i should pause my music and go drink some water. come back to this later.
started work on the about page. working on the files on the computer.
created about me. havent linked it anywhere. basically havent done any actuall coding for it.
maybe i should code it in visual studio code first, on my compter files.
completely overhalled the look of the website. added a buffer page. >:)
im keeping the past log updates just because.
killed the bit of the log that was living on the main page. switched what text is displayed in "marquee"
killed the ninjago shrine (you will be misted) and the blog.
also began work on next version. already have a buffer page. going to make the home page next. its kinda hard because i feel like im supposed to be making the final version right now and not just experimenting. (inner demon is going "you gotta make it perfect on the first try"- even if it isnt even my first try.
unlinked blog page. im keeping it up tho
killed test.html
also killed the folder with the star wars font
killed star wars shrine page.
downloaded all the site.
added funky cursors on the index, log, and ninjago pages. (middle finger cursor, minecraft sword {blue}, and crosshair respectivley
considering revamping my site. taking it down, putting it up on my computer and re coding it.
created serepate image folder. i now get to move all my pics there and redo the code for them.
also linked the blog to the index, log and blog page (in the menu bar.)
!!! I GOT TO MAKE MOVING TEXT!!! It's on my main page (index.html lmao)... really gotta thank firefox for showing me the code on this site. i really didn't believe that "marquee" would do that... but it did! (ALSO: THIS IS V IMPORTANT --> dont just steal code, you should look at code on websites to see how they do it, but don't copy it. use it to see what different people/places do and what the code does, because then you build on your library of "known coding things". also you should go check out the site that i linked up there. (they have it linked from that page. just click the fairly obvious button.
Added the "copyright" at the bottom of the pages. should keep working on the shrines. to be honest i don't know what to put on those pages. the star wars font that im using isn't 100% perfect, it keeps displaying the 'i' as an 'h'. rather annoying.
Added Blog Page, havent' linked to it anywhere. maybe ill do that at some point. also added the little buttons for social media on the bottom of "index.html". probably wont link anything there. (i put ao3 and tumblr as the examples.)
I added THE LOG. im going to leave the other bit of log on the main page for now. Also did the colours for this page. I'm not sure how much i like them. they are kinda hard to look at. i should be going to bed now, ive gotta go somewhere tomorrow.
i had forgotten to close one of the "div" sections... the bit that said to get rid of the formating for menu bar... coding man.
soooo my list isnt working. (also i gotta get to making this an actual "blog" section so it doesnt clog up the main area. maybe make its own page?
added menu bar. still needs work. (and i gotta keep in mind that ive been "building" this site on visual studio code and the sites are different.
broke my main page. fixed it. but broke my ninjago shrine page lmao. there is no winning is there...
created website. switched defaut pic and added list + colours and stuff for css file.