About The Webmaster

Firstly, I would like to thank you for visiting my site! I hope you like it, and if you don't, you can always close the tab and do something else! Maybe look up cute cat pictures? Or if cats arn't your jam, cute puppie pictures? Whatever makes you happy! (It is you life after all, and I know how sucky it is when you feel down...)

Now to the actual about part!

Hi! You can call me CHAOS, Shadow, or Glitch!

I use the pronouns:

A List

now i want to see if i write here will it be under or over the dropdown??

alrigh it goes under. im not sure what i shuold put here...

i suppose i could put a bunch of blinkies or smth of the sort...

or maybe you want a wall of text?

sometimes its hard to travel the world alone. Most of the time its ok. I spend a lot of time trying to find someplace to sleep, since I'm familliar enough with the vegetation and wild life for that to not be a problem. Around some parts of the Eastern Taiga the communities are very open and welcoming, and around other parts, they are wary of strangers.

Occasionally i run into the more reserved ones, and I simply do my best to not make the relationship any more tense than it already is. I ususally don't stay there very long.

Today I'm travelling through the Hyjar Forest, the sound of birds chirping telling me all is safe. Maybe I will run into some elves, maybe not.

I like to hope I will, but I can't be sure. Elves are very secretive folx, and they often simply mind their own busyness.